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What is Marketing Complexity? – Digital Marketing Strategies When Marketing is Complex.
Within the walls of our digital marketing company, it’s often said that no one hires us when their digital marketing is working or simple. We’re never presented with a nice, neat, tidy box with well-functioning marketing strategies that are shattering outcome records year over year. Most often, a huge pile of complex nonsense is dumped on our conference table that others have not been able to figure out, and the ask is for us to do what others could not –we wouldn’t have it any other way!
What are Marketing Complexities?
Marketing complexities can be singular or numerous. A complexity in marketing can be a single thing or a combination of elements that make connecting to the perfect (or near-perfect) prospect challenging.
- Multiple locations
Multiple locations are a complexity within a complexity, depending on how your multi-location business is structured. When leveraged properly, multi-location marketing can be a competition crusher and can lead to huge gains and benefits single-point businesses can never achieve. Multi-location complexities include multiple-offices, franchises, franchisors, transportation and automotive groups with multiple websites, and a multitude of other variables.
- Strong or Extreme Competition
Businesses with a lot of competition or competitors that could be considered behemoths, with the fiscal ability to easily outspend the smaller competitors, can be a troubling marketing complexity and is often difficult to overcome, but not impossible. This is often present in markets with a high degree of consolidation, such as healthcare marketing. Large networks acquire smaller practices, and instantly, smaller competitors are part of a marketing ecosystem with significant budgets. Connective data strategies and deep data analysis are required to address this complexity. A competitive market analysis can provide data related to where you rank in the market against the competitors, as well as provide insight into where competitors are strong and where the opportunity for gains may be hiding. Having this competitive data and combining it with targeting and consumer need strategies allows a brand to create specificity within marketing designed to displace even the largest of competitors.
- Complicated Products, Services, Buyers, and Processes
There are numerous companies that service highly specialized segments of a market. These companies may not provide a finished product, they may be an ingredient brand, providing a part within the whole of a product or offering. B2B marketing has specific challenges as the targets are not always in-market. Marketing for manufacturers may be the most complex as the product, and the buyer may be so specific, so nuanced that they are hard to identify. The sales cycle within the manufacturing space may be long and require multiple stakeholder touches. Understanding complex businesses and offerings such as these is no easy feat, but getting it right can lead to a significant ROI.
What can a company expect when markets and marketing are complicated?
Even when marketing is complicated, you should not expect anything less than success. In fact, the more complex marketing is, the more a marketing company is forced to get deep in the weeds of your businesses, which leads to a better understanding of your organization, processes, customers, and offerings, creating extreme levels of clarity and precision when displacing competitors and connecting with elusive goldilocks prospects.
Join us, and together we will rule the galaxy – or, at the very least, beat your competitors.
Digital Marketing is complicated and ever-changing, coupled with the complexities of modern business in a world of AI optimization and competitive consolidation. Getting marketing right can be daunting and more confusing than a therapy session with Luke Skywalker as he tries to come to terms with his missing appendage sabered off by his father. When your business is complex and competitive, marketing initially looks like a pile of confusion, but don’t mistake this for a problem. This is a wonderful place to start.