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We’ve (not you, us) Been Invited to the Global Marketing Awards!

We’ve (not you, us) Been Invited to the Global Marketing Awards!

The Global Marketing Awards are the ultimate acknowledgement of excellence for Marketing organizations, determining each year which agencies are among the best-of-the-best around the globe.

The Global Marketing Awards recognize and celebrate the world’s best marketing agencies and most innovative campaigns—across all marketing channels, 36 categories, and all six populated continents. (Sorry, Antarctica. Maybe next year.)

Single Throw Marketing has been shortlisted for consideration as an award-winner for its digital marketing campaign with leading commercial truck brand, Gabrielli Truck Sales.

Winners will be announced virtually on October 5, 2021 in an online celebration of marketing excellence.

Keep your fingers crossed… wait… who are we kidding, we don’t cross fingers here! We don’t count on luck to win! If we win this award, it will be because of the dedication of our digital marketing experts. (That’s how we got on the short list!)