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NJ digital marketing company loves Wawa almost as much as recycling

NJ digital marketing company loves Wawa almost as much as recycling

When you’re a marketing company based in the historic Jersey Shore, you spend a lot of time at your local Wawa. For the last 22-plus years, Single Throw Marketing, one of New Jersey’s oldest digital marketing companies, has been fueling up at Jersey’s favorite convenience store, Wawa. 

There may be no bigger fan of Wawa than our CEO, and thankfully for the environment, he’s also a fan of recycling. For the last two years, he’s been piling up his 20-ounce coffee cups (at least one per day) on his desk. Why? He can’t bear to throw them out, saying “There’s got to be a better use for them than sitting in a landfill.” Well, two years and over 300 cups of delicious Wawa coffee later, the creative team at Single Throw Marketing had an idea to create the world’s first Wawa coffee cup Christmas tree (at least we think it is). 

After a slew of engineering meetings in front of the whiteboard in order to develop the perfect structure, the brilliant marketers at Single Throw landed on a design using strings and a solid base that would allow them to easily store the unique tree and reuse it year after year. 

The 25-plus team members all chipped in, each creating a string of cups to be part of the structure. It stands over 9 feet tall and is approximately 5 feet wide. Each layer is made out of 20-ounce cups that vary in style, design, and even size based on the supplier and time of year they were collected. 

The Wawa cup Christmas tree saved hundreds of paper cups from hitting the landfill and will be a permanent part of this NJ digital marketing agency’s holiday decor for years to come. 

What’s on the agenda for next year? Plans to build the first Wawa cup Hanukkah menorah are well underway.

Some people run on Dunkin, but this NJ digital marketing agency runs solely on Wawa and always will!