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Single Throw Celebrates 14th Anniversary as Digital Marketing Pioneers

Single Throw Celebrates 14th Anniversary as Digital Marketing Pioneers

Founded on the heels of a bursting dot-com bubble, Single Throw Marketing is a best-of-breed digital marketing company headquartered 45 miles outside of Manhattan in Manalapan, New Jersey. During a time when the dot-com bubble burst signaled an end to digital decadence, Single Throw’s CEO, Larry Bailin, believed what we were truly seeing was just the beginning. Yet despite indications that digital marketing was no more than just a fad, Larry created one of the first “digital only” marketing companies in the country.

But as Single Throw opened its office on September 11, 2001, America was experiencing one of the biggest tragedies in its history.

An internet company born from dot-com ruins had already put Single Throw on shaky ground. The enormity of 9/11 should have pushed this young business over the proverbial cliff.

It didn’t.

Single Throw convinced businesses that search engines like Yahoo! and Google represented the future of lead generation and they would require specialized help to navigate the nuances of achieving success online. And as time went on and digital marketing became more of a required cost of doing business, Single Throw developed more diverse and strategic ways to connect with customers beyond just simply being found in search engines.

Just as Single Throw broke the century mark in client numbers came the economic downturn of 2008, the worst financial disaster since the great depression. Manufacturers such as GM and Chrysler were looking for government bailouts in order to prolong inevitable bankruptcy; Lehman Brothers collapsed. Marketing spending came to a screeching halt.

Countless hours were spent on developing trailblazing new ways to locate customers. While other companies were waiting for the storm to pass, Single Throw was able to make a compelling case for changing marketing strategies now.

When the clouds dissipated and the competition came out from their bunkers, there was Single Throw, a little beaten and bruised, but coming out of the other side shot out of a cannon once again.

Perseverance and determination has been in Single Throw’s DNA since day 1. And with this attitude—as a company viewing hardship not with contempt, but as disruption that only fuels the fires of innovation, Single Throw has become a revered and recognized leader in the digital marketing space—a company routinely chosen by those who can choose anyone.

For fourteen years, Single Throw has been redefining the world of digital marketing and the way companies acquire new customers.